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Belmont Little League Since 1951 - Joliet, IL

Level of Play

Which level of play is right for my child?

Getting your young Little League baseball or softball player into the right division is the most important first step in helping us create a memorable experience for your player, and your family. The appropriate divisional placement will increase confidence, skill development and most importantly, FUN!!

Review the criteria below. If you feel your child has mastered most (if not all) of the criteria listed, they are most likely ready for the next level of Little League Baseball or Softball.

Age requirements: Player MUST reach the assigned age according to Little League Age Chart play the upcoming season in each of the divisions below.

We recommend the level of play based on baseball/softball skill and grade level.

  • Step 2:  Determine desired using the following eligibility guidelines and recommendations by League Age

Levels of Play by Spring Season League Age

AgeGradeEligibilityBelmont Little League Recommends
 15/16 HS SeniorsPlay on a conventional 90-foot diamond with pitching distance of 60ft and 90ft bases.  Season typically starts after local HS.  Travel to other Little Leagues will be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 43 feet.
 14 8th Juniors
All 14s should play on a conventional 90-foot diamond with pitching distance of 60ft and 90ft bases. Highly skilled 14s can request to play in the Senior divisions with the approval of the League Player agent.  
Travel to other Little Leagues will be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 43 feet.  
 13 7th 50/70 and Juniors
13s should play 50/70. Which introduces 50-foot pitching and 70-foot as well as more standard baseball rules (e.g., runners leading off, pitching from the stretch, etc.)  13s may request to play in the Junior division based upon their ability and approval from the League player agent.   Travel to other Little Leagues will be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 43 feet.  
126thMajors and 50/70
All 12s should play Majors as their primary level. Some may also choose to play 50/70 for additional game experience, exposure to a larger field and more standard baseball rules (e.g., runners leading off, pitching from the stretch, etc.). Travel to other Little Leagues will be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 40 feet.
115thMinors, Majors and 50/70
Most 11s should play Majors. Some playing Majors may also choose to play 50/70 for additional game experience. All 11s should attend the Majors pre-season assessment (tryout) in March. However, following the assessment, the Player Agent and Majors Coaches may recommend that 11s needing additional
development play Minors. Travel to other Little Leagues will be may be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 40 feet.
104thMajors and Minors
Most 10s should play Minors. Highly skilled 10s can request to attend the Majors pre-season assessment in March to see if they are ready to play Majors. Travel to other Little Leagues will be may be required
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 40 feet.
Most 9s should play Minors. All 9s should attend the Minors pre-season assessment (tryout) in March. However, following the assessment, the Player Agent and Minors Coaches may recommend that 9s needing additional development play coach pitch.
Softball - Using a 60-foot diamond with pitching distance of 35 feet.
82ndCoach Pitch    and Minors        
Most 8s should play coach pitch. Highly skilled 8s can request to attend the Minors pre-season assessment in March to see if they are ready to play Minors. 8s new to baseball might fit better in coach pitch.

71stCoach PitchMost 7s should play coach pitch.

T-Ball and Coach Pitch
Most 6s should play T-Ball. Highly skilled 6s and those with T-Ball experience may play coach pitch. 
Most 5s should play T-Ball.
4Pre-K      T-BallOnly 4s (pre-K) interested in baseball and comfortable in a group/team setting should register for T-Ball.

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